Domestic Debt Registry Services
Tender ID: 507773
Tender Details
Tender #:
Publish Date:
7 October 2022
Closing Date:
7 November 2022
Tender Description
Domestic Debt Registry Services for Australian Government Debt Management
Other Instructions:
PDF version of the Request for Tender (RFT) and draft contract are the official versions of the Tender documentation. Word/Excel format of the following RFT and contract content have also been provided for completion:
- Tenders must substantially complete Tender Response Schedules, Schedule 4.A to Schedule 4.M inclusive. Part 4 of the RFT has been provided in Word format.
- Attachment 4.C.1 - Tenderer's IT Systems Functional Compliance Matrix has been provided in Excel format. This is requred as part of Response Schedule 4.C.
- Attachment A - Deed Poll of Confidentiality has been provided in Word format for completion. This is required for attendees of the Industry Briefing session.
- Draft contract has also been provided in Word format.
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