In response to the significant flooding which occurred in the 2021-2022 disaster season, the State and Federal Governments approved the $741 million Resilient Homes Fund (RHF) to support resilience measures in Queensland homes impacted by the following events across 39 activated Councils (Table 1). The RHF package include five interconnected initiatives:
1. Industry and community education program
2. Resilient household rebuild program
3. House raising program
4. Voluntary house buyback program
5. Property level flood information portals.
This Expression of Interest relates to the Property level flood information portals (“the Portal”), which has the principal aim of assisting residents to understand, be more informed and better prepared for future flooding events by giving them access to flood risk information specific to their property. Delivery of the Portal will enable any member of the public in an eligible local government area to enter their address into a locally hosted platform and obtain key information about flooding at their property. Where data is limited, the system will still be implemented using existing datasets and must allow for updates as new data becomes available.
The initial scope for the project and its deliverables, includes the following. This scope may be altered or further refined in stage 2 of the sourcing process.
The intention of stage 1 is to identify suitable candidates that may be able to provide these, or similar, services. :
• Scoping of individual Council’s system integration requirements and customisation of the portal to suit each Council’s needs.
• Development of a portal with the functionality to deliver on the recommendations of the QRA’s Regional Guidelines for Flood Awareness Mapping and Communication (2020) including full system and software design and implementation with consideration of and recommendations for hardware needs, hosting, back up and service levels (e.g., RTO and RPO).
• Implementation of portals onto Council systems including the upload and publication of data and integration with existing front-end displays for each activated Council. The portal design must allow for a staged implementation where data is not currently available (e.g., display planning scheme layers in the interim with input of flood data and mapping when available).
• Training of Council representatives in the operation and maintenance of the portal.
• Development of operation, maintenance and other support material (user guides etc.).
• A clear understanding of any annual subscriptions or ongoing operation and maintenance costs necessary to support the use of the portal.
• Project completion by 30 June 2024.