Dalefield Road Pump Station
Tender ID: 510970
Tender Details
Tender Description
What we need
Carterton District Council (CDC) wishes to ensure that the Carterton urban water supply system has adequate capacity and resilience to provide for current growth and seasonal fluctuations in demand and water flows. The Principal (CDC) is therefore looking for a suitably qualified Contractor to provide Construct services for Phase 4.4: Booster pump installation and associated pipework of the Potable Water Supply and Resilience Project.
This project provides an opportunity for a supplier to make their mark in Carterton and being a supplier that not only meets the Councils requirements but also to a supplier that demonstrates sustainable pump station installation experience. The scope of the project consists of the installation and commissioning of a booster pump system and associated works "complete". Activities include the following:
Supply and install "complete" booster pump system
Associated pipework connecting to the existing infrastructure
Commissioning and testing
Pump shed
The works are located within the Carterton District on the following streets:
Dalefield Road, Carterton.
What's important to us
Tenderers shall demonstrate in their submissions that they understand the requirements of the Tender Documents. They shall also show that they can provide the necessary resources and commitment to successfully complete the Contract Works, if possible, to meet the above expectations and to an anticipated completion date of 30 June 2023.
Tenderers shall submit a Statement of Attributes as detailed in the RFT to assist with the evaluation of tenders. Their statement of attributes for resources & relevant skills should show where they will have input from local companies (if any) to meet the Principal's Procurement strategy below. Any inputs from local companies will be viewed favourably by the Tender Evaluation Team within their scoring for this attribute.
What we are buying and why
This RFT relates to the purchase of the construction services to deliver the water supply pumping station complete. Carterton District Council is seeking to engage an experienced firm to carry out and deliver the construction of the Dalefield Road Pump Station and associated pipework for Carterton. This engagement must be at a reasonable price and within timeframes that ensure ongoing water supply adequacy and resilience.
The Council is seeking proposals from competent suppliers experienced in pump station construction.
Why should you bid?
This is a unique opportunity to be part of our vision for the Council. Over the next 30 years we envisage Carterton being a place that is a hub for a variety of activities, a place that businesses will thrive, and our community and tourists enjoy visiting.