Pacific Business Village - Expansion RFP
Tender ID: 512930
Tender Details
Tender Description
On 18 November 2022, the Ministry hosted an event in Mangere, to announce round three of the Pacific Aotearoa Community Outreach (PACO) Fund to support Social Enterprise and to launch the expansion of the Pacific Business Village to Auckland.
The Ministry has secured $15.5 million in Budget 2022 to meet community demand volumes for services to support Pacific businesses and Pacific social enterprises across Aotearoa.
“The Village has been well received by Pacific businesses and we recognise the need to expand the Village to supporting the large number of Pacific businesses operating in Auckland", said Minister for Pacific Peoples Aupito William Sio.
The event brought together over 100 Auckland Pacific business leaders, communities, social enterprises, and government agencies to launch the following funding initiatives under the Pacific Business Village umbrella:
- Network Provider - for Pacific Business Networks in Auckland and other regions (excluding regions already covered under the current Pacific Business Village) to identify, coordinate, and provide pastoral care to Pacific businesses.
- Service Provider - for Pacific Service Providers to deliver capability and capacity training to Pacific businesses to scale and grow.
- Tauola Business Fund round two - to support Pacific Businesses into sustained growth. More information on this fund is detailed on the MPP website
The purpose of this procurement is to identify:
- Network Providers that have a proven background of identifying, coordinating and connecting with Pacific businesses within their respective regions, and
- Service Providers that have a proven background in supporting Pacific Businesses by delivering capability uplift services
We are looking for how your organisation embraces a Pacific-centric approach, connecting people/businesses in Pacific-centric ways and how you would influence/tap in mainstream business support.
Providers are encouraged to attend a talanoa with the Evaluation Panel on Tuesday 6th December from 1:30 - 2:30pm, MS Teams link within RFP documents (slide 8).
This is where we will give you a brief overview of the RFP, you can meet the Evaluation Panel and ask any questions directly.