21-055 Salesforce - IT Prof Services and Contract Labour Preferred Supplier Panel
Tender ID: 513193
Tender Details
Tender #:
Publish Date:
28 November 2022
Closing Date:
16 December 2022
Tender Description
In 2019 The University of Melbourne embarked on the implementation of an enterprise-wide CRM and Digital platform covering all domains including Teaching & Learning, Research, Advancement and Engagement. The purpose of the platform is to meet the ever-increasing expectations of our students, researchers, alumni, donors and other constituents who are always connected and expect a seamless experience with the University, and a deep connection with the brand. In addition, the Higher Education sector is transforming into a more competitive environment where the University’s ability to engage in a personalised, relevant and timely manner becomes increasingly important. Having a 360-degree view of our constituents is a key enabler in providing a personalised experience. Salesforce was selected as the CRM platform of choice deployed through the OneCRM program. A long-term roadmap was implemented to significantly uplift CRM and Digital capabilities.
A preferred supplier panel for Salesforce professional services was established in 2019 with suppliers selected to provide capability and support to the CRM Team. Since then the Salesforce program has expanded and operationalised its CRM capabilities. There is a desire to review the University’s Salesforce panel capability and rates and increase the scope of the panel to include contract labour as well as professional services. A Request for Proposal (RFP) process will be undertaken to identify potential partners that can provide support to the University through deep expertise on Salesforce’s core and non-core platforms. The scope of the RFP will include Professional Services and Contract Labour.
The RFP will be run on the University’s eSourcing Platform and avaiable from 28/11/2022. Vendors who wish to participate will be required to register on the platform to access and respond to the RFP. To register please go to, click “Register” and follow the instructions. If you would like someone else at your organisation to be the point of contact for this RFP you will be able to include their details in the registration process. Once registered you can search for this RFP titled “21-055 Salesforce - IT Prof Services and Contract Labour Preferred Supplier Panel”. Then click on "Express Interest" to participate in the RFP. This will add you into the participating vendor list and you will be able to access the document and create your response for the RFQ in the eSourcing platform.
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