VPA SEPC Panel Agreements
Tender ID: 514998
Tender Details
Tender Description
The purpose of this notification is to provide the market advance notice of an upcoming Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) tender to create a 3-year panel member agreement (SEPC) for three (3) of the VPA Panel Categories: Design, Community Infrastructure, and Environmental Planning.
Indicative Timelines
Activity Date
Release of Advanced tender Notification Dec-22
RFT Release Date 16-Jan-23
End of period for questions or requests for information -
5 working days prior to Tender Closing Time 5PM Sunday 12 Feb 2023
RFT Closing Time 5PM Sunday 19 Feb 2023
Intended completion of evaluation of Tenders 6-Mar-23
Contract commencement date 31-Mar-23
VPA is seeking suitably qualified and experienced suppliers to provide services in Design, Environmental Planning, and Community Infrastructure. The VPA has a preference for procuring from appointed panel members. The tender process will evaluate the standard of services that can be provided, to which Victorian regions, and also the Social Procurement objectives, which form part of the evaluations of work requests.
Tenderers are required to nominate the categories they wish to be considered for selection to the panel. Tenderers can apply for and can be selected in one or more categories of expertise. The VPA welcomes tenders that provide a broad range of services across multiple categories, as well as those that provide a specialised service within a single category. The table below provides more detail on the services that are part of each panel Category.
Site Analysis, Landscape & Visual Assessments
Urban Design
Landscape Architecture & Open Space Design
Water-sensitive Design
Architectural Advice
Site Master Planning
Environmental Planning
Conservation Area Planning, Design, and Management
Ecological Services
Soil / Ground Contamination, Hydrology, and Salinity
Geology and Geomorphology, Ground Stability Assessment
Arboriculture Assessment
Adverse Amenity and Environmental Impact Assessment
Bushfire Risk Assessment
Climate Change Response / Ecologically Sustainable Development
Community Infrastructure
Community Facility and Service Planning
Recreation and Open Space Planning
Socio-Economic and Demographic Research
Affordable and Social Housing
Environmental & Heritage Services : Environmental Impact Assessments : Environmental Management
Community & Social Services : Community & Social Services (other)
Management Advisory Services : Management Consulting
Marketing & Communications : Community and Stakeholder Engagement
Architecture & Urban Design & Planning Services : Architecture : Land Use Planning : Landscape Architecture : Urban Design & Master Planning