
School's Campus Catering - The International French School of Sydney

Tender ID: 518732

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
16 February 2023
Closing Date:
14 April 2023

Tender Description

Lycee Condorcet The International French School of Sydney is seeking your tender for the Schools Campus Catering Contract. This tender represents a potential yearly revenue of $1M on 5-year based contract ($5M total).

Tender Scope.
LCS welcomed 1,166 students during the academic year 2022-2023, 271 of whom were pre-school and kindergarten students. LCS expects to welcome a slightly higher number during the 2023- 2024 and future academic years. The current estimated number of students for the 2023-2024 academic year is around 1,198 and is expected to grow above 1,300 students in 2027-2028 at the end of the contract.
LCS canteen also serves LCS personnel who chose to have lunch there.
The average number of meals served daily during the past two years for students are as follows:

Preschool and Kindergarten (PS, MS, GS) 3 -6 years old
2020-2021 - 264
2021-2022 - 260
2022-2023 - 270
Primary School (CP, CE1, CE2) 6-8 years old
2020-2021 - 199
2021-2022 - 230
2022-2023 - 268

Primary School (CM1, CM2) 9-10 years old
2020-2021 - 95
2021-2022 - 89
2022-2023 - 119
Secondary School (6e, 5e, 4e, 3e) 11-15 years old
2020-2021 - 134
2021-2022 - 138
2022-2023 - 149
High School (2nd, 1ere, Term) 16-18 years old
2020-2021 - 40
2021-2022 - 47
2022-2023 - 48
2020-2021 - 732
2021-2022 - 764
2022-2023 - 854
In Semester 2022-2023, 18% of the students enrolled in the canteen service have special diets and allergies.
The rest of the students are bringing lunch boxes and it is up to the tenderers to find ways to develop the canteen service attractivity through their offers to increase the numbers of students enrolled.
Tender Timeline
Identification expression of interest - December 2022 - January 2023
Catering tender Terms of Reference document disseminated - 15 February 2023
Deadline for submission of questions - 6th March 2023
Visit date and answers to questions - 13th March 2023
Deadline for submission of Tenders - 21st March 2023
Issuance of Invitations to present details - 22nd March 2023
Caterer Presentations (LCS reserves the right to ask for any additional information to be included in the presentation) - 24th & 27th March 2023
Signing of Catering Contract - Between 14th of April and 31st of May 2023
Operations Start Date - 14th August 2023


New South Wales   :   Sydney  

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