Affordable Rentals Pathway - funding round two
Tender ID: 519836
Tender Details
Tender Description
We are seeking to fund projects/developments that deliver community affordable rentals to the housing supply market, which can be standalone projects or part of mixed tenure developments (developments that contain a mix of public housing, progressive home ownership, affordable rentals, etc).
We will be seeking to engage with not-for-profit providers (Community Housing Providers, local councils, Iwi or Māori organisations, churches, and other not-for-profit entities) that have the requisite capability and capacity as an organisation and as a housing provider for developing and delivering housing and the ongoing management and maintenance of housing developments.
Providers will need to be able to demonstrate that there is a real need for community affordable rentals in the project location and that they have an active waiting list to fill the community affordable rentals. We will be interested in their target cohorts for the projects and their reasoning as to why they are seeking to aid this target cohort.
To enable the assessment of our requirements the funding process will be structured in a two-stage approach. This is the first stage.