Community Funding Program – Opens in April 2023
Tender ID: 520192
Tender Details
Tender Description
Applications open Thursday 1 April for the Community Funding – Grants and Sponsorship Program for projects and events occurring after 1 July 2023. Funding awarded in this funding round must be acquitted by December 2023.
The April 2023 round of the Community Funding Program is offering two funding streams with a focus on community supported and facilitated programs, services and projects that contribute to the social, environmental and cultural development of the Shire of York. The funding streams include:
Minor Grant – assistance to incorporated groups and organisations that provide programs, services or activities to the following sectors of the community; Aged, Youth, Disadvantaged, Early Childhood & Families, Volunteers, Sport, Recreation and Environment. 100% of the total project costs can be considered with applications up to $2,000 available.
Major Grant – assistance to incorporated groups and organisations within the Shire of York for infrastructure development, upgrades, and open space revitalization. A maximum allocation of 60% of total project cost with a maximum application amount up to $10,000 available.
Up to $250 for individuals attending an event/ activity, representing at a state level and $500 for individuals attending an event/ activity, representing at a National level. Applicants applying for funding to attend a sporting or cultural event must provide proof of their selection through a formal qualifying process. 100% of the total project costs can be considered up to a maximum of $500.
Application forms, guidelines and Council’s policy regarding eligibility for Community funding can be found on the Shire of York website and hard copies are available from the Shire Office.
Applications close at 12 noon on Monday 1 May 2023. All applications received will be assessed and presented to Council for consideration at the next available Ordinary Council Meeting.
Interested applicants seeking further information should contact Marcus Whelan, Community and Place Coordinator at the Shire by email or by phoning 9641 0500.
Drop-in appointments to discuss potential applications are offered on the following dates:
3 March: 10am – 12pm
10 March: 10am – 12pm
16 March: 10am – 12pm
More information on the Shire’s Community Funding program can be found on the Shire’s website at the link below