Oura Reservoirs and Aerator Design and Construction
Tender ID: 520292
Tender Details
Tender Description
Goldenfields Water is seeking submissions from appropriately qualified and experienced respondents for the design development and construction of new water infrastructure at the Principal's Oura water treatment plant site, located at Wheel of Fortune Road, Eunanoreenya NSW 2650 (Lot 3, DP 260631 and Lot 42, DP 1271484) to support an improvement to the water security and quality for the Oura scheme. This Request for Tender (RFT) has been released to receive submissions to finalise and certify the designs, and construct infrastructure at the Oura water treatment plant site.
This RFT is focused on the upgrade to the aeration treatment system and reservoirs. Council has developed a preliminary design consisting of reticulation pipeline, proposed multi tray aeration unit and structural tower, two reservoirs (4ML each) and associated services and instrumentation for operation and monitoring of the system. The location of the upgrade work is shown in the preliminary design drawings. The objectives of the project are:
1. Replace specific assets associated with the aeration system which have reached the end of their serviceable life;
2. Provide additional capacity to meet the demands of the Oura water supply scheme; and
3. Provide treatment to improve the waters ability to maintain a chlorine residual and remove dissolved contaminants.
The successful Contractor will be responsible for finalising the preliminary design suitable for construction purposes (including all required certifications) for all elements associated with the project, including but not limited to the aeration units and tower, reservoirs and associated civil and electrical infrastructure as well as instrumentation.
The intent of the RFT is that the works will be separated into Separable Portions being:
- Separable Portion A: Reservoirs and Civil related works; and
- Separable Portion B: Aeration tower and Multi-tray aeration system.
Submissions are invited to be received for either:
- Separable Portion A;
- Separable Portion B; or
- Entire scope of works (both Separable Portion A and Separable Portion B).
The Principal reserves the right to:
1. Award the entire works to a single contractor; or
2. Award separate Contracts for Separable Portion A and Separable Portion B to separate contractors.