EOI : Child Psychologist, and 2 Psychologists or Social Workers for Western NSW
Tender ID: 521910
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Western NSW Primary
Health Network (WNSW PHN) is seeking suitable qualified and experienced
Psychologist to provide treatment in the following locations:
- Forbes
- Eugowra
- Canowindra
WNSW PHN's vision is to "care for our region" and to boost access to
psychological support to help anyone whose mental health has been impacted by
known disasters.
We have identified the following strategic priorities:
- Sustainability of primary care in small towns
- Strategic engagement with key stakeholders
- Disaster preparedness and response
A regional approach to mental health and suicide prevention
Service Requirement
Our programme will be designed to address service gaps in particular
geographical areas and population groups and is designed to complement already
existing services.
Importantly, we will be attempting to select service providers who have the
necessary qualifications and experience to provide the required services.
We are looking for a Child Psychologist, Psychologists and/or Social Workers to
provide regular sessions to the following groups in need:
- Children effected by disasters : the aim is to provide psychological support to
the children in disaster-effected areas.
- Indigenous Specific people : WNSW PHN is wanting to address trauma experienced
by Indigenous peoples and their communities.
- People effected by disaster and other mental health indicators : it has been
highlighted that people are managing complexity concerning their mental health
and wellbeing.