
Caboolture West NDP1 Sewer Pump Station and Rising Main Construction

Tender ID: 524206

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
17 April 2023
Closing Date:
11 August 2023

Tender Description

Unitywater invites Offers for the construction of water and sewerage infrastructure to service Neighbourhood Development Plan No. 1 (NDP1) of Caboolture West. Works on the greenfield site will include:

  • All services, goods supply and Works associated with the construction and commissioning of the SPS and SRM; and
  • Design and installation/construction of the SPS switchboard and control system, odour control facility, magnesium hydroxide dosing facility and HV substation.

To participate, you must be able to meet the following mandatory criteria:

5 years demonstrated experience successfully delivering and commissioning SPS and SRM projects that have included the following aspects:

  • Large sewage pump stations i.e., well diameter >3m diameter and >9m deep
  • Large sewage rising mains i.e., >300mm internal diameter PE100 pipe through existing developed areas
  • HDD construction of >300mm ID PE100 pipe
  • SPS and network odour control facilities
  • Work to an Environmental Management Plan in environmentally sensitive areas; and
  • Work to a Cultural Heritage Management Plan,
  • Safety, Quality and Environmental ISO accreditation (or equivalent)

Contractors can access the tender package and submit a bid through our sourcing platform Scout by Workday using this link:


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