Grit and Screening Bin Replacement
Tender ID: 526042
Tender Details
Tender Description
Programmed Facility Management Pty Ltd (PFM) hereby invite you to complete the entire scope of works including supply, fabrication, inspection, and testing as described for the grit and screening bin replacement. At this stage, we are looking for a Completion Date of November 2023.
These works will support PFM in delivering Preventative Maintenance, Reactive Maintenance, and Corrective Maintenance activities and will also provide services in delivering Minor Capital Projects.
This RFQ is to support the replacement of the Grit and Sceening replacement bins at the Eastern Treatment Plant. This site is owned and operated by Melbourne Water Corporation with Programmed engaged as the party responsible for the completion of Minor Capital Projects at these sites.
With that in mind, we are looking to your company to deliver the following within your Response:
- Provide Realistic & Deliverable solutions designed to cover all services specified;
- Looking to work with Programmed to bring the benefit of its experience, knowledge, and expertise to our clients.
- Be continually looking for ways to:
Improve Service
Reduce Cost
- Initiatives for service improvement/cost benefits
- Pricing in accordance with the requirements specified herein
- SEQ, General and Modern Slavery related responses
- Account Structure
- Copies of Insurance certificates
- Copies of any required licenses
We trust your Company would take this opportunity to express an interest to participate in this business opportunity.
By submitting a response to this RFQ you are confirming that you agree to the terms set out within the attached confidentiality deed.
Please respond both to the questions in the Online section of this tender and 4. Schedule of Rates PDF.