
RFP Parramatta Project

Tender ID: 527204

Tender Details

Tender #:
LAHC 2023/125  
Publish Date:
23 May 2023
Closing Date:
20 July 2023

Tender Description

The NSW Land and Housing Corporation (‘LAHC’) is excited to offer a unique opportunity for a Community Housing Provider (‘CHP’) or CHP-led Consortium to deliver diverse social, affordable, and other rental housing outcomes in the Parramatta LGA.

The RFP Parramatta Project (the ‘Project’) bundles three closely located Sites into a single transaction made possible through land and capital contributions from NSW Government to maximise housing outcomes.

The Project also makes available, at the Proponent’s discretion, an innovative and highly concessional funding package through the National Housing Infrastructure Fund - Social and Affordable Housing.

Through the successful delivery of this Project, LAHC and NHFIC hope to learn lessons and set new benchmarks in State and Commonwealth partnerships with the CHP sector to address the housing and homelessness crisis in NSW.


New South Wales   :   Sydney  

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