
Angliss Hospital Expansion Stage 2 – Main Works Building Contractor

Tender ID: 529167

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
15 June 2023
Closing Date:
13 July 2023

Tender Description

The Victorian Health Building Authority (“VHBA”), part of the Department of Health ("Principal"), is in the process of redeveloping the Angliss Hospital operated by Eastern Health (EH).

This Invitation seeks to obtain Responses to an Expression of Interest ("EOI") from experienced and capable contractors interested in performing the role of Fixed Price Lump Sum Contractor

("Contractor") for the construction and building commissioning of the main works component of the project.

The Project will be procured by the Principal and the funding for the Project will be provided by the Victorian Government.

Department of Health and Human Services is Principal to the construction contracts and VHBA has engaged Ontoit Pty Ltd as Project Manager and Superintendent for the construction contract between the Principal and the Contractor to assist and manage the delivery of the Project to completion and final certificate.

This Invitation is intended to:

  • · Outline the anticipated procurement process and timetable for the Project;
  • · Inform the market of the Project and the proposed delivery structure;
  • · Invite market participants to register demonstrable relevant experience, expertise and capability to perform the Works;
  • · Inform prospective Respondents of the capabilities and Evaluation Criteria which will be considered by the Principal in selecting which Respondents will be provided the opportunity to participate in the Request for Tender ("RFT");
  • · Elicit responses from the market to be evaluated with a view to shortlisting Respondents to proceed to the RFT stage of the Tender Process; and
  • · Seeks to identify any industry advice that should be considered in the scoping and delivery requirements for the RFT documents.


Victoria   :   Barwon South West   :   Gippsland   :   Grampians   :   Hume   :   Loddon Mallee   :   Melbourne  

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