Audit & Risk Committee Members
Tender ID: 531668
Tender Details
Tender Description
Barkly Regional Council is seeking expressions of interest for two suitably qualified persons to act as independent members of its Audit & Risk Committee.
The Chairperson will desirably:
- Have a level of understanding of local government and the Council's operations and the environment in which it operates;
- Have a level of knowledge and practical exposure to governance and financial management practices;
- Have the capacity to dedicate adequate time to the committee which meets quarterly; Have a depth of knowledge of regulatory and legislative requirements;
- Be a qualified accountant.
Expressions should address the above criteria, be marked 'Confidential Audit & Risk Committee Chairperson' and sent to the CEO, Barkly Regional Council, PO Box 821, Tennant Creek, NT, 0861, OR emailed to by 4 pm on Friday, 21 July 2023.
Any enquiries can be directed to the CEO Russell Anderson at (08) 8962-0000.