
Removal of Jetty 5, Construction Floating Attenuation System & Floating Pontoon Extension to Jetty 6

Tender ID: 533265

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
3 August 2023
Closing Date:
31 August 2023

Tender Description

The Swan Yacht Club (SYC), located on the Swan River in East Fremantle, invites suitable contractors to tender for the major upgrades to the club's jetty infrastructure.

These upgrades include the demolition and removal of the existing Jetty 5 fixed jetty system including removal of piles and associated infrastructure, the construction of the clubs designed floating attenuation system and construction of the extension to Jetty 6 by way of a new floating pontoon system.

Although the tender documentation provides contractors with a design, SYC are also keen to receive submissions from contractors who have an existing proprietary attenuator and pontoon system providing an alternative solution and bid for the works package.

To receive the tender package, please email the SYC General Manager, Damien Gaspar, at

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