
Ausgrid Community Batteries - Commercial Partner

Tender ID: 533315

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
4 August 2023
Closing Date:
24 August 2023

Tender Description

This Expression of Interest (EOI) seeks responses from retailers and other energy market participants interested in partnering with Ausgrid on community battery projects. Specifically, we are seeking responses from energy retailers, aggregators, and independent power producers (individually or in consortia) who can participate in energy and ancillary services markets, as well as, co-design and deliver a retail customer storage product.

Ausgrid is the distribution system operator operating the shared electricity network that powers the homes and businesses of more than 4 million Australians across an area that covers over 22,000 square kilometres from the Sydney CBD to the Upper Hunter.

Battery storage will play a vital role in the future 100% renewable energy system. Ausgrid has developed a Community Battery Program that maximises customer, sustainability, and network objectives. Ausgrid is exploring community battery models including ground-mount and larger community batteries (between 0.1MW to 5MW).

Parties selected to participate will be responsible for managing customer retail products and leasing battery capacity to optimise market value. Parties will also contribute to ongoing innovation around this concept and share learnings and insights.

After reviewing responses to this EOI, Ausgrid will run a closed Request for Proposal process to select successful Commercial Partners.


New South Wales   :   Sydney  

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