Aboriginal Community Consultation and Registration of Interest
Tender ID: 533327
Tender Details
Tender Description
Niche Environment and Heritage Pty Ltd (Niche) has been commissioned by Lithgow City Council (the Proponent to conduct an Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment (ACHA) to inform consideration of a proposed Hassans Walls Reserve Mountain Bike Trail Development Concept Plan and associated trails at Hassan Walls Reserve, Lithgow, NSW (the Subject Area). The subject area falls within the native title claim NC2018 /002 that currently has no determination. The works under consideration will include the development of a network of trails in the Hassan Walls
Reserve's Sheedy Gully area - on both sides of Hassans Walls Road - from the upper escarpment/gully head and extending downslope to the gentler lower reaches of the valley on the Reserve's northern boundary. The trail network includes three beginner trails, an intermediate descent trail, and an advanced descent trail along with a number of trailheads and "event" locations and may require the application for an Aboriginal Heritage Impact Permit (AHIP) under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 (NSW).
The Proponent, Lithgow City Council, can be contacted via:
Matthew Johnson
Manager Community and Culture
Lithgow City Council 180 Mort Street Lithgow NSW 2790
In accordance with Section 4.1.3 of the Aboriginal cultural heritage consultation requirements for proponents 2010 (DECCW, 2010), Lithgow City Council is seeking to consult with any Aboriginal persons or groups who may hold cultural knowledge of, or who have the right or interest in Aboriginal cultural heritage of the Subject Area. The purpose of the consultation will be to assist the Proponent in the preparation of:
- An Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment
- Determining the significance of any Aboriginal objects and/or places within the Subject Area.
- Appropriate management recommendations for any Aboriginal objects and/or places that might be identified during the process.
- A subsequent AHIP to manage any Aboriginal objects identified during the Aboriginal cultural heritage assessment and to assist Heritage NSW in their consideration and determination of the application.
Lithgow City Council is inviting Aboriginal people or groups who hold cultural knowledge relevant to the Subject Area to register their interest for the process.
Please be advised that, as per Section 4.1.6 of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Consultation Requirements for Proponents (DECCW, 2010) the names of Aboriginal persons and groups who register an interest will be forwarded to Heritage NSW and the Bathurst Local Aboriginal Land Council unless the person specifies that they do not want their details released.
All registrations for the project should be directed in writing to:
Catriona Graham
Niche Environment and Heritage Pty Ltd
PO Box 1156
Port Macquarie NSW 2444
Tel: 0499 774 573
Email: cgraham@niche-eh.com