Clean Energy Precinct: Front End Engineering Design
Tender ID: 533601
Tender Details
Tender Description
With the acceleration towards decarbonisation and away from fossil fuels, the Port of Newcastle (PON) is embarking on a transformation journey to remain a world-leading energy export powerhouse through the development of a Clean Energy Precinct. This clean energy development would contribute to NSW and Commonwealth renewable energy targets and help achieve affordable, clean and reliable energy.
PON is seeking to appoint a suitably qualified Consultant to carry out Front-End Engineering Design (FEED) for the Stage 1 Enablement works of the Clean Energy Precinct.
Enquiries: Tender enquiries should be directed to Shane Ambrose via the online Forum (click on 'View Forum' below).
Site inspection: A site inspection will not be held for this tender.
Submissions: Completed responses shall be submitted via the Electronic Tender Box using the attached Word version of the Returnable Schedules. Respondents will receive a Successful Submission Receipt timed and dated upon completion.
Closing date and time: Tender submissions close at 4pm on 25 August 2023 and submissions must be fully received by this time. Port of Newcastle is not bound to accept the lowest priced Tender or all or any part of a Tender and reserves the right to conduct the Request for Tender process and select the successful respondent(s) as it sees fit. All enquiries in relation to the proposal must be via the online Forum.