Crawler Loader
Tender ID: 534488
Tender Details
Tender Description
15,000-2,000 kg; Cat 953 /963 of equivalent capability.
Tenderers are to arrange delivery to Shire of Mount Magnet Works Depot. Tenders may respond to a single request or multiple requests.
No tender necessarily accepted. Each Tender must be submitted in an individual sealed envelope and clearly marked with appropriate tender number and addressed to Shire of Mount Magnet PO Box 62 MOUNT MAGNET WA 6638 or hand delivered to Shire of Mount Magnet Administration Office, 90 Hepburn St MOUNT MAGNET WA 6438. Electronic Submissions to:
Tender specifications can be obtained to contacts Tralee Cable on phone 0899633001 between 9.00am and 4:30pm or email Monday to Friday.