Customer Billing and Relationship Management (CRM) System
Tender ID: 536623
Tender Details
Tender Description
Goulburn Murray Water (GMW) wishes to invite suitable responses from Suppliers who can meet all or part of the requirements for a new Customer Billing, Customer Relationship Management and Business Process Management/Automation system(s). Given the intricate nature of these interconnected functions, GMW welcomes Suppliers to submit their proposals, even if they address only certain aspects of the core functions. For instance, Suppliers can submit proposals for a Billing solution without CRM functionality or a CRM solution without Billing functionality. The evaluation criteria have been designed to enable an evaluation of the responses, whether they pertain to part functionality or encompass an integrated solution. To summarise below are the objectives of this Expression of Interest and future Request for Tender stages:
During the Expression of Interest (EOI) phase GMW aims to achieve the following objectives:
- Gain insight into potential solutions/platforms that could fulfil Customer Billing, Customer Relationship Management and Process Automation functions, whether integrated or separate.
- Obtain an estimation of the potential solution(s) cost to establish preliminary budget plans.
- Determine the most suitable and preferred solutions/platforms.
- Further refine and define the project scope to be utilised in the next Request for Tender (RFT) stage.
Following the Expression of Interest (EOI) phase, during the Request for Tender (RFT) stage GMW expects to:
- Complete a Proof of concept on shortlisted solutions/platforms.
- Identify the preferred supplier(s)/platform(s)
- Progress toward the actual Implementation phase
There will be a Tender Briefing session on 21st September 2023 at 1 PM Melbourne Time
A briefing session will be held on 21 September 2023 01:00 pm.
Notes: This briefing session will be via Microsoft Teams. Please refer to the Invitation Expression of Interest document, A.1 Item 6 for further details. It's essential that you provide your registration of attendance via the Buying for Victoria portal.
Attendance at the briefing is a pre-requisite to submission and consideration of a bid.
Registration closes on 20 September 2023 03:00 pm