Groundwater Bores Monitoring Program - 3 Years
Tender ID: 537253
Tender Details
Tender Description
Mallee CMA is seeking the services of appropriately qualified and experienced field operators and technicians to monitor and maintain groundwater monitoring bores included in the Mallee CMA groundwater monitoring program.
The successful Service Provider shall ensure ongoing, accurate data collection and reporting of groundwater levels and chemistry to support the analysis of changes to groundwater levels, salinity concentrations and salt loads across the Mallee. The Service Provider will undertake this monitoring program under a three-year contract, from December 2023 to November 2026.
Additional tender criteria can be found within the Invitation to Supply document on the Buying for Victoria Tenders Portal.
Further information including the invitation to supply can be found at:
Buying for Victoria
Optional briefing session 1.30-2.30pm Wednesday 27 September 2023.
Tender contact: or