Creative & Digital Services
Tender ID: 537545
Tender Details
Tender Description
As a marketing agency operating across 15 markets, TA requires a range of creative and digital services.
TA is looking to see its model for these services evolve, including with:
> increased diversity of creative responses to brief(s), with scalable involvement depending on the campaign;
> a stronger focus on integrated multi-channel creative development by agencies, particularly noting the large spend on digital media;
> the effective and fair remuneration of agencies for their time and effort, including on early concept exploration and development; and
> a more transparent and clear approach that gives confidence regarding campaign processes and milestones, development, and execution.
With its requirements in mind, TA expects to end up with a panel of multiple agencies, including more than one creative agency (or agency brand) and specialist digital expertise.
TA is open to considering different models for how the services required might be delivered. The intent is to avoid being too prescriptive with the market about the model while being transparent about what capabilities are required and the potential challenges over the contract period.
Further details are available in the Request for Tender documentation.
An industry briefing will be held at 2 p.m. (AEST) on Thursday, 21 September 2023, at the Museum of Sydney (Corner of Bridge Street and Phillip Street, Sydney/Warrane). Prospective tenderers are welcome to join, either in person or online, for further insights into TA and its requirements.
Other Instructions:
TA is undertaking a multi-stage request for tender open to all interested parties:
> In Stage 1, between September and November 2023, TA will invite tenderers to demonstrate their capability against key criteria, the responses to which responses will be used to shortlist tenderers; and
> In Stage 2, between February and April 2024, TA will ask those shortlisted tenderers to further demonstrate their capabilities in practice by responding to a comprehensive strategic and creative brief for the next iteration of its global Come and Say G’day campaign.
Conditions for Participation: Acknowledgment of the RFT process
Having read the Request for Tender documentation, the Tenderer must acknowledge its understanding and acceptance of the RFT process. That process includes the timetable and summary of requirements in the Request Documentation, the conditions and process for submission by the tenderer including the requirements to familiarise themselves with each of the conditions and applicable Commonwealth policy requirements; the basis of evaluation of the tender submitted; the additional requirements to be met; and the conditions for participation.]
Standing offer
The terms of supply on which the Tenderer’s submission is provided to TA in this document will remain consistently the same for at least one year from the Closing Time specified in the Request Documentation.
Financial solvency
The Tenderer should be financially solvent (and in the case of individuals) and should not be bankrupt.
Tax records
Consistent with the Shadow Economy Policy, Tenderers must: provide a satisfactory Statement of Tax Record (STR) from the Australian Taxation Office; and hold satisfactory STRs for any relevant first-tier subcontractors (that is, those engaged to deliver goods or services with an estimated value of over AUD $4 million, including GST, as part of the tender, if known at the time of submission). Tenderers should note that this requirement still applies to new and foreign companies, although the process for sourcing an STR is slightly different.
Consistent with the New Tax Policy, Tenderers must also disclose the country of tax residency for their organisation(s) and their ultimate parent entity. Further information on determining tax residency is available from the Australian Taxation Office.
Employee entitlements and work health and safety
The Tenderer must not have had a judicial decision made against them relating to employee entitlements and of which they are not satisfying any resulting order from that decision. The Tenderer must also not have had a decision made against them pursuant to the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and of which they are not satisfying any resulting order regarding failure to protect the health and safety of its workers.
Tenderers are required to confirm that they have no such unsettled orders currently against them by signing the declaration contained in any response documents.
Tenderers must indicate a willingness to comply with health and safety legislation generally, as amended from time to time, including agreeing to comply with any applicable work health and safety law, policy, program or procedure that TA may inform the Tenderer.
Workplace gender equality
The Tenderer and any subcontractor entity must not have been listed as a noncomplying entity by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency as a result of having failed to comply with the yearly requirement to report on gender equality pursuant to the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012.
Public disclosure requirements and audit rights
All Tenderers must be agreeable to the public disclosure requirements of the Commonwealth allowing TA the right to disclose details about the procurement process (including the names of the Tenderer and the subcontractors) and the right of the Auditor General to access and audit the Tenderer’s information, documents and records including that of their subcontractor entities.
The responses provided by the Tenderer must indicate their acknowledgement and agreement to comply with these requirements as well as indicate that their subcontractors are aware and willing to comply.
Fraud and corruption
The Tenderer must indicate a willingness to cooperate with TA’s public accountability requirements under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (Cth). TA is committed to minimising the likelihood and impact of any conduct that may be in breach of this Act.
This means that the Tenderer must indicate their acknowledgment and willingness (and to indicate their subcontractors are willing) to adhere to TA’s Fraud and Corruption Policy, Supplier Code of Conduct, and Public Interest Disclosure Policy.