
CopperString 2032 - Public Utilities and Services

Tender ID: 538792

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
27 September 2023
Closing Date:
10 November 2023

Tender Description

Copper String 2023 is undertaking a market evaluation to identify suitably capable, qualified local and regional businesses who have the ability to support Public Utilities and Services that comply with industry and public requirements and standards.

1. Electricity Supply

• Design and installation of high-voltage transmission lines and substations.

• Substations for voltage regulation and power flow management.

2. Water Supply

• Ensure reliable water supply for construction, dust control, and potential cooling systems.

3. Gas Supply

• Provision of natural gas for heating, on-site power generation, and industrial processes.

4. Fire Protection

• Design & Supply & Install of fire protection systems, including alarms, suppression, and fire-resistant materials.

• Provide processes on how to use fire detection and protection services.

• Provide portable fire extinguishers for project.

• Install fire water reticulation including fire pumps and storage tanks.

• Install fire sprinkler system design.

• Install fire hydrant and hose reel systems.

5. Termite Barrier & Vermin Protection

• Mitigation against termites and vermin to prevent structural and equipment damage

6. Communication and Data Services

• Establish robust communication networks for real-time monitoring and control.

• Deployment of fibber-optic cables, microwave links, and communication infrastructure.

7. Security Systems

• Installation of security measures like cameras, access control, and perimeter fencing.

8. Environmental Impact Assessment

• Conduct thorough assessments to ensure regulatory compliance and minimize environmental impact.

9. Transport and Access

• Provide proper road access and transportation infrastructure for construction and maintenance.

10. Waste Management

• Manage construction and maintenance waste with disposal, recycling, and adherence to guidelines

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