RFT - headspace Early Psychosis and headspace Eastern Shore
Tender ID: 539540
Tender Details
Tender Description
This Request for Tender (RFT) is to commission a single Lead Agency to implement and operate a new mental health program and service in Tasmania consisting of the following components:
- deliver the headspace Early Psychosis (hEP) program in Hobart, Hobart's eastern shore, Launceston, Devonport, and Burnie.
- new headspace Eastern Shore (hES) center located on greater Hobart's eastern shore.
The Lead Agency will be commissioned from February 2024 through to June 2026.
Tender information:
Download the tender documents for further information and guidance related to this RFT.
Briefing session:
Primary Health Tasmania are offering a briefing session for this tender, registration is required. Refer to service provider specification for further information.