Data to measure Domestic Tourism Statistics
Tender ID: 539796
Tender Details
Tender Description
Tourism Research Australia (TRA) is seeking a suitably qualified supplier to undertake a large-scale data supply project which delivers the ongoing measurement of Australian resident domestic travel and Australian resident outbound travel from 1 January 2025 (at full capacity). Additionally, this includes the establishment of the collection and initiation of data supply via a parallel run during the 2024 calendar year (at a reduced capacity)
Other Instructions:
Conditions for Participation:
The Customer will exclude from participation any Potential Supplier that does not demonstrate compliance with the following Conditions for Participation.
Statement of tax record
(a) The Potential Supplier either:
i. holds a Valid and Satisfactory Statement of Tax Record by the Closing Time; or
ii. has a receipt demonstrating that a Statement of Tax Record has been requested from the Australian Taxation Office by the closing time, and holds a Valid and Satisfactory Statement of Tax Record no later than 4 business days from the Closing Time; and
(b) the Potential Supplier holds a Valid and Satisfactory Statement of Tax Record from any Subcontractor that it proposes, as part of its Tender, to engage to deliver the Services, where the estimated value of the Services to be undertaken by that Subcontractor is over $4 million (GST inclusive).
Modern Slavery
Potential Supplier to provide details of how they will identify, assess and address risks of Modern Slavery practices in the operations and supply chains that will be used in the provision of Goods and/or Services.