Audit and Risk Committee - Independent Member
Tender ID: 540824
Tender Details
Tender Description
The District Council of
Grant are seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified and
experienced members of the public to sit as independent member on Council’s
Audit and Risk Committee for a three (3) year term, commencing November 2023.
Following changes to the Local Government Act 1999 in relation to the role,
function and membership of council Audit and Risk Committees soon to come into effect,
the Committee will expand its role to provide independent assurance and advice
to the Council on accounting, financial management, internal controls, risk
management and governance matters.
The Committee shall comprise of two (2) elected members and three (3)
independent members and meet not less than four (4) times per annum, at times
and dates as set by the Committee. The Terms of Reference of the Committee,
which provides further information including the role, functions and operations
is available on Council’s website.
The successful applicant will have qualifications, knowledge and experience
relevant to the functions of the committee, including in financial management,
risk management, governance or similar. Council is seeking balanced
representation from each of the relevant disciplines.
Independent members will be remunerated with a sitting fee of $350 per meeting
($500 where the member is the presiding member) plus reimbursement of
associated travel costs in accordance with Council’s Elected Members Allowances
& Support Policy. Attendance via electronic means is available subject to approval by the
Chair, however one in person attendance per annum is expected.
Expressions of interest should be addressed to the CEO, including CV and cover
letter, and submitted by close of business Friday 27 October 2023 via Post: PO
Box 724, Mount Gambier SA 5290.
Darryl Whicker, Chief Executive Officer.