
Enhanced Head to Health Centre Mount Barker

Tender ID: 541837

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
25 October 2023
Closing Date:
30 November 2023

Tender Description

The Head to Health Centre project aims to establish an Enhanced Head to Health Centre in Mount Barker, providing care in a more therapeutic environment whilst incorporating additional urgent and crisis support capabilities. This is beyond the core requirements of the National Adult Mental Health Centres Service model offering an alternative to presenting to an Emergency Department (ED) and providing care for consumers that would be assessed in triage categories 3 (urgent), 4 (semi-urgent), and 5 (not urgent). The Centre will also be required to accept ambulance and police referrals for people considered at triage categories 3,4 and 5.

Country SA PHN invites proposals from suitably qualified and experienced service providers to establish and operate the Enhanced Head to Health Mount Barker Centre, inclusive of Urgent Mental Health Care for an initial contract period through until 30 June 2026.

Under the Bilateral Agreement for South Australia, this project is a collaboration between Country SA PHN, the Department for Health and Wellbeing, and Barossa Hills Fleurieu Local Health Network.

Proposals will be welcomed from all organisations that have the capacity, capability, and a significant track record and experience to deliver mental health services whether private not-for-profit, private for profit or public, independent or joint (consortium, partnership, or joint venture) proposals from any such organisations.

Applicants will need to demonstrate either a significant track record of local knowledge and experience (local service footprint) or how they would establish local knowledge to support effective delivery of the service within a short period of time.

The successful applicant is expected to actively collaborate with Country SA PHN, Department for Health and Wellbeing, Barossa Hills Fleurieu Local Health Network and other key stakeholders including ongoing codesign with people with lived experience to inform the establishment and model.

The project timeline will see the successful applicant work towards commencing a level of service by 1 July 2024. However, we recognise that a range of external factors including available locations and fit out may impact this.

A Market Briefing to prospective suppliers to provide the opportunity to ask questions and clarify information about the RFT will be conducted.

Please register your interest ahead of time via email to Time: 2:00pm (ACDT)

Date: Tuesday, 31 October 2023.


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