Northam Bike Hub upgrades
Tender ID: 542297
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Shire of Northam is seeking a suitably qualified contractor to undertake work at the Northam Bike Hub Upgrades project.
The Northam Bike Hub (NBH) upgrades has three key elements –
1. Upgrades to the existing BMX track,
2. Construction of a pump track and
3. Upgrades to the Start ramp.
The upgrade consists of resurfacing the main track, realignment of track lines to increase the riders’ skills, and providing improved drainage. The upgrades are to bring the track in line with the modern racing specifications and Auscycle standards.
All, part, or none of the tender contract may be awarded. It is encouraged to attend the site for a better understanding of the scope and provision for more accurate pricing.
The Shire of Northam has undertaken engagement and consultation with local track stakeholders and completed a full design. Additionally, the project has a mountain bike skills course that will be incorporated into the design.