NOPTA ICT Infrastructure and Desktop Managed Services
Tender ID: 542405
Tender Details
Tender Description
NOPTA requires a suitably qualified ICT provider to manage Azure based infrastructure and desktop support services. In addition, it is expected that the successful tenderer will provide ongoing advice as to improvements that can be made to NOPTA’s current environment as a result of evolving technology and business changes which can be incorporated into NOPTA’s ICT offerings to its staff.
The project has been identified as the following components. Refer to the Requirements Template and Schedule 1 Statement of Requirements for a detailed description of the requirements.
1. Management Services Transition Component
2. Network & Infrastructure Overarching services (Fixed Monthly Management Services)
A. IT Service Management
B. Operations Management
C. Asset & Licence Administration
D. Logging & Auditing
E. Reporting, Documentation & Alerting
F. Performance Monitoring & Analysis
3. Network & Infrastructure Physical Network (Fixed Monthly Management Services)
A. Network Management Services
B. Data Link & Communications Infrastructure
C. Server Management Services
D. Remote Access Services Management
E. Wireless Network
F. Security Management
G. Backup, Recovery & Failover Services
H. Power/UPS management.
4. Help Desk & Desktop Management Services (Fixed Monthly Management Services)
A. Help Desk Services
B. Desktop Management Services
5. Infrastructure Enhancements
6. Ongoing Project Services
Victoria : Barwon South West : Gippsland : Grampians : Hume : Loddon Mallee : Melbourne