Executive Leadership Essentials program – providers
Tender ID: 542502
Tender Details
Tender Description
The NSW Public Service Commission’s (PSC) Leadership Academy offers the Executive Leadership Essentials (ELE) program to all new Senior Executives across the sector. Eligible participants are Band 1, 2 and 3 executives new to the public sector and/or new to the senior executive role (in the last 6 months).
The program provides key messages around what it means to be a public sector leader, critical onboarding information and cross-sector networking opportunities.
The ELE program is a key tool to provide executives who are new to public sector and/or new to executive roles with critical messaging and access to important information that supports their onboarding.
The PSC is seeking to identify the best service provider to design, develop, and deliver the ELE program for three intakes per year (up to a maximum of 4) as described in the Request for Proposal documents.