14,000ltr Water Truck
Tender ID: 542628
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Shire of Williams is seeking tenders for the supply of a new 14,000ltr water truck.
Further details and documentation are available by contacting the Chief Executive Officer on 08 9885 1005 or email ceo@williams.wa.gov.au.
Tenders shall be submitted in a sealed envelope endorsed 'CONFIDENTIAL - RFT 1-2023/24' and addressed to the CEO and either mailed to PO Box 96, Williams WA 6391; hand delivered to the Shire of Williams at 9 Brooking St Williams or emailed to the CEO. Tenders must be received on or before 4:00pm, WEDNESDAY 8 NOVEMBER 2023.
The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
Geoff McKeown
Chief Executive Officer