Back to Work
Tender ID: 542913
Tender Details
Tender Description
Eligible employers of unemployed Latrobe Valley and retrenched Hazelwood Power Station workers can claim a second payment.
What payments are available?
While first instalment payments are now closed, a second instalment payment is available to an eligible employer who received a first instalment payment in one remaining category:
- Employers of unemployed people living in the Latrobe Valley and retrenched workers from the Hazelwood Power Station who started work between 1 January 2017 and 30 June 2020.
How much can you claim?
You can claim up to:
- $5000 per unemployed person living in the Latrobe Valley that you employ,
- $5000 per retrenched Hazelwood Power Station worker employed.
Payments do not include GST. An additional amount of up to $4000 was available to employers who provided accredited training to those eligible employees.
Second instalments
The second instalment payment is available to an eligible employer who received a first instalment payment for their eligible employee.
It is payable nine months from when the first instalment claim was lodged, provided the eligible employee has been continuously employed.
Employers are encouraged to keep track of the date from which the second instalment payment is available and make their claim by email.
Eligibility for Back to Work payments
All employers who hired an eligible employee into an ongoing full-time or part-time Victorian job were eligible, except for:
- An employer with a poor workplace safety record.
- A recent employer of the eligible employee.
- Municipal councils and other public, local or government bodies.
All information provided to us is treated in accordance with the Back to Work Act 2015 and our Privacy Policy. Where allowed by law, information can be shared with other state and federal authorities including the Australian Taxation Office.