Port Broughton Employment Zone Civil Works
Tender ID: 544916
Tender Details
Tender Description
Barunga West Council (the Council) invites Tenders for the provision of construction of civil works in the Employment Zone located on Hornby Road in Port Broughton (the Works). The Council will enter into a Works Contract with the successful Tenderer.
Port Broughton Employment Zone
The subject land is entirely contained within the Employment Zone (previously referred to as Industrial Land) as depicted on the interactive South Australian Property and Planning Atlas (SAPPA) based application and as such the proposed allotments are appropriately zoned for the intended land uses.
The subject land is identified as Section 346 and Allotment 6 contained in the Certificate of Title Volume 5949 Folio 226. The proposed new land division consisting of 15 allotments in total will be constructed in 2 Stages.
- Stage 1 consists of Allotment 1 to 5: and
- Stage 2 consists of Allotments 6 to 15
Works required include:
- Removing 9 metres of the existing seal, reshaping the road profile to the new road profile, then resealing as part of the total sealing of the newly constructed section of Hornby Road.
- Constructing two new roads.
- Providing stormwater infrastructure.
- Constructing semi mountable kerb and watertable
For further information please see the RFT document and technical drawings or contact Steve Daniel, Works Coordinator at barunga@barungawest.sa.gov.au.