IT Managed Services
Tender ID: 545066
Tender Details
Tender Description
The successful Tenderers will be expected to deliver IT Managed Services to the organization, collaborating and interacting with a defined internal ATSB IT Team, and its contracted service providers.
The successful Tenderer is required to demonstrate the ability to provide a broad range of subject matter expertise across the IT Managed Services Service Categories (as specified in the RFT Attachment B – Statement of Requirements).
IT Managed Services are required across:
a. Microsoft Azure Cloud
b. ATSB’s Private Cloud workloads
c. Microsoft 365 (M365)
d. SaaS
e. PaaS
f. End User Computing
Other Instructions:
Conditions for Participation:
Tenderers must, at the Closing Time, meet the following Conditions for Participation as listed below, Tenderers must:
a. be a legal entity at the Closing Time;
b. not be bankrupt or insolvent;
c. ensure their Tender response is received prior to the closing time and lodged electronically via AusTender
d. not be subject to any judicial decision against them (not including decisions under appeal) relating to employee entitlements and who have not satisfied any resulting order;
e. Where the Tenderer is a Relevant Employer, the Tenderer is compliant with its obligations under the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (the WGE Act).
f. The Tenderer is not precluded from tendering for Australian Government funded work at closing time.
g. The Tenderer must not be an entity listed under terrorist legislation or subject to sanctions.
h. Be a member of the Digital Transformation Agency (DTA) Digital Panel, as listed on the AusTender Standing Offer Notice (SON) 3413842
i. Be willing to engage with the ATSB under the terms of the DTA Digital Sourcing template
The ATSB may exclude a Tenderer from the RFT if at any time before a Contract is executed, the ATSB considers the Tenderer does not meet any of the Conditions for Participation.