Labour Hire Services - Camp Quaranup
Tender ID: 545881
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (the Customer) is seeking a suitably qualified Contractor to provide temporary personnel services to support the operation of Camp Quaranup (the Camp). The Camp is a remote campsite operated by the Customer in Princess Royal Harbour, 25 minutes by car from Albany. The Camp offers group accommodation and associated catering and recreational services. It is often subject to high seasonal demand for events such as weddings, conferences and school holiday groups.
The requirement for temporary personnel pursuant to the Contract will be subject to the business requirements of the Camp and may be subject to change during the Term.
A non-mandatory briefing to Respondents will be conducted on:
Date: 18 December 2023
Time: 9:30 AM Western Australia
Location: Camp Quaranup, 743 Quaranup Road, Vancouver Peninsula, Albany.
The Respondent is requested to confirm attendance download Request document for details.