
Expressions of Interest - Steel supplies - Substation & Transmission Line Projects

Tender ID: 546394

Tender Details

Tender #:
EOI-Steel Supplies- 2023-1412  
Publish Date:
14 December 2023
Closing Date:
31 January 2024

Tender Description

Respondents are invited to submit Expressions of Interest for steel supplies for substation and transmission line projects as further outlined in this Request for EOI


Zinfra is a leading service provider to the utility infrastructure sectors, delivering a comprehensive range of engineering, construction, operations and maintenance solutions across Australia. Our clients include many of Australia's major utility infrastructure asset owners.

Central to delivering our portfolio of works are our skilled and passionate employees and key long-term alliances with delivery partners, subcontractors and suppliers.

With the rapid pace of transformation in the energy sector, Zinfra is growing, and is seeking to expand on our supplier relationships to meet the challenges ahead.

To that end, this EoI serves as the first step in delivering supplies to Zinfra. We encourage all suppliers that are interested, capable and share common values of delivering safe, efficient and high quality services and supplies to register.

Following this EOI, in Zinfra's sole and absolute discretion a preferred supplier or preferred suppliers, may be determined from the EOI evaluation. Preferred supplier(s) may ultimately become contracted supplier(s) based on either progression as a direct result of this EOI or following subsequent Request for Quotation/Tender (RFQ/T) from a short list of preferred Respondents.

 EOI Overview

Zinfra requires steel supplies for its transmission line and substation projects that it delivers to its clients in Australia.

Zinfra's clients include AusNet Services, TransGrid, Powerlink Queensland, TasNetworks, AusGrid etc

Zinfra's clients and Zinfra's choice of supplier is driven by a number of factors including: client standards & design requirements, delivery lead-times, pricing & ESG requirements (e.g. Modern Slavery, local suppliers etc.), and sustainable supply (e.g. emissions, circular procurement etc.)

Through this EOI Zinfra is seeking to identify suppliers with appropriate experience and capability to provide steel supplies, including any associated services.

Zinfra is seeking expressions of interest from interested parties (Respondents) to provide steel supplies as summarised below and further described in this Request for EOI:

  • Substation Equipment - For the supports for the structural/primary equipment steel support structures e.g. support structure/legs for post insulators, support structure/legs for disconnectors, support for insulators/rigid BUS.
  • HV Gantry structures - Transmission line interface with the substations or within the substation where there is strung bus overhead connectors within the substation.
  • Transmission Lines - Tower structural steel, cross arms, ladders and steel poles.
  • Tubular structures - Used for Transmission and miscellaneous structures within substations i.e. HV Poles, Light poles, security poles etc.


Victoria   :   Melbourne  

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