
DEV - Devonport Major Maintenance Dredge

Tender ID: 546977

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
22 December 2023
Closing Date:
6 February 2024

Tender Description

TasPorts is responsible for the ongoing safe vessel movement and operations for the Port of Devonport, which is located in the Mersey River in northwest Tasmania.

The Port of Devonport is fed by the Mersey catchment system which is ~1,900 km2 and annually accumulates ~41,000 m3 of silts as well as additional sand/cobbles (coastal channel), therefore it requires regular maintenance dredging.

Currently the navigable area of the port requires dredging is holding accumulated material in excess of 260,000 m3 above our nominated design depth for the berth pockets, basin and channel.

TasPorts is currently working through the approvals phase with the Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water (DCCEEW) to establish a new DSDG to be utilised for the next ten years of dredging campaigns for the Port of Devonport. The new DSDG is located approximately 14km northwest of the mouth of the Mersey River. The ten-year permit will allow for up to 1,000,000 m3 of material to be dredged and disposed of at the approved DSDG.

TasPorts invites capable entities to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) for performance of the Dredge works described in the Request for Expressions of Interest.

As part of the EOI, TasPorts will be assessing each Invitee's ability and capability to undertake the Dredge works and completing the Dredge works, nominating available plant and equipment adequate to undertake the Dredge works within the works window, their previous experience in completing similar work, safe systems of work and Tasmanian Industry Participation Plan (TIPP).

Further specific details of the EOI is in the EOI document attached - Port of Devonport Major Maintenance Dredge.


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