Cloncurry Health Service generator upgrade
Tender ID: 547450
Tender Details
Tender Description
North West Hospital and Health Service (NWHHS) invites tenders from suitably qualified and experienced contractors to undertake construction of the Cloncurry Health Service generator upgrade project (the project). The project’s specifications are outlined in the documents provided by McClintock Engineering – included in “Attachment 3 – specifications”.
In addition, NWHHS has a strong focus on developing local business and employment. NWHHS expects that, wherever possible, local subcontractors will be used. Furthermore, during the project’s delivery phase, the contractor will be expected to report monthly on the ratio of local to non-local trainee and apprentice workforce.
Mandatory criteria
a) to hold a relevant Queensland Building and Construction Commission builder licence
b) to be at least PQC level 2 registered on the whole-of-Government PQC System in accordance with the Queensland Government Building Policy Framework.
Failure to meet any of these criteria may result in the tenderer being excluded from the procurement process.