Cohuna Public Sector Residential Aged Care Service
Tender ID: 548039
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Cohuna Residential Aged Care Development is being delivered by the Victorian Health Building Authority in partnership with Cohuna District Hospital.
The project includes the construction and commissioning of a new 24 bed co-located facility to be located and operated by Cohuna District Hospital. The new facility will replace the existing and develop larger-scale services that better meet community expectations. It will enable contemporary models of aged care that are dementia friendly, support mental health, and suited to the needs of people with complex care needs.
The project is proposed to be completed through a single head contractor engagement and consists of enabling works, construction, refurbishment and commissioning works.
The works are anticipated to commence in late-2024 and be completed in 2025.
Please Note - this is NOT an EOI for the Main Contractor as that process will be undertaken by the Victorian Health Building Authority (VHBA) through the Buying for Victoria website. However, if you are a Sub-Contractor, Manufacturer and/or Product Supplier please provide an EOI.
Work Package
- Any Opportunities
- Furniture, Fittings and Equipment
- Steel
**The closing date/s may be subject to change and should be clarified by following the link below**
Building & Facility Construction & Maintenance Services : Commercial & Industrial Construction Services
Furniture & Furnishings : Accommodation Furniture : Cabinets & Lockers : Misc Furniture & Fixtures & Equipment : Office Furniture : Outdoor Furniture : Soft Furnishings