Melrose Park Public School Redevelopment, City of Parramatta LGA
Tender ID: 548558
Tender Details
Tender Description
School Infrastructure NSW (SINSW) is proposing to redevelop Melrose Park Public School (Lot 3 DP 535298), in the City of Parramatta LGA. Detailed design plans are still being prepared; however, we understand that the business case might include options for refurbishment of existing school buildings or the establishment of new facilities, and construction of a new car park and ancillary services.
The proponent contact is Frank Princi, Project Director, Infrastructure Planning, Schools Infrastructure NSW. E:
EMM, on behalf of SINSW, invites Aboriginal individuals and organisations who hold cultural knowledge relevant to determining the significance of Aboriginal objects and/or places in the area, and who wish to be involved in the consultation process undertaken as part of the assessment to register their interests.
The purpose of Aboriginal community consultation is to assist the proponent in:
1) assessing the Aboriginal heritage values of the area
2) to assist NSW Government in the assessment of Aboriginal heritage reports prepared for this project; and
3) to support any future applications or approvals for the project sought under the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and/or the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974.
Registrations of interest are to be provided by no later than 12 February 2024 to:
Mikhaila Chaplin
A: EMM Consulting Pty Ltd, 20 Chandos Street, St Leonards, NSW 2065
T: 02 9493 9500.