NSW Health / Healthy Eating and Active Living Aboriginal Action Plan
Tender ID: 548608
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Centre for Population Health (CPH), NSW Ministry of Health is seeking an Aboriginal organization/business to develop a Healthy Eating and Active Living (HEAL) Aboriginal Action Plan to support the implementation of the NSW Healthy Eating and Active Living Strategy 2022-2032 (HEAL Strategy).
The HEAL Strategy identifies Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as a priority population and commits to supporting Closing the Gap through initiatives co-designed with Aboriginal people and communities. An Aboriginal Advisory Group has been established to provide Aboriginal governance of the HEAL Strategy.
There is an opportunity to reform the way work is delivered by CPH through the HEAL Strategy and identify specific, priority activities to address healthy eating and active living priorities for Aboriginal people and communities. CPH wants to better connect and authentically collaborate with Aboriginal people and communities to support HEAL Strategy activities.
CPH are seeking an Aboriginal business/organization to design the Aboriginal Action Plan in partnership with the Aboriginal Advisory Group. Consultations with key stakeholders and additional Aboriginal people and communities, and a review of key documents should inform the Action Plan.