Supply And Installation Of Concrete Footpaths At Multiple Locations
Tender ID: 549066
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Shire of Trayning is seeking tenders from suitably experienced and resourced contractors to appropriately qualified and experienced Contractors for the supply and installation of 1,104 metres of concrete footpaths at multiple locations in Trayning and a single location Kununoppin, Western Australia.
The tender documents are available via the contact officer at from 3rd February 2024.
Clarification of tender details must be by email and sought via the contact officer, before 2:00pm (WST), 21st February 2024.
Tenders must be submitted via the contact officer at
Responses submitted by facsimile, mail or hand delivery will not be accepted. Late tenders will not be accepted.
The lowest, or any tender may not necessarily be accepted.
Any potential tenderer canvassing Shire of Trayning Officers or Elected Members will be disqualified from the tender process.