Aerial Imagery
Tender ID: 549175
Tender Details
Tender Description
CNSWJO and its member councils invite suitably qualified and experienced persons to submit a Tender/Quotation for the Supply of Aerial Imagery Services.
Please read the questions carefully and ensure all requested documentation is attached. All responses must be input into the designated response areas within the online form. Tenders that are submitted as one PDF rather than in the designated boxes may not be accepted. Attachments are permitted for most questions.
Any questions in relation to the RFX are to be made in writing through this portal. Tenderers should be aware that any question that requests information relating to the contents of the RFX (as opposed to functionality of the e-procurement portal) will be responded to publicly through the portal to ensure all respondents are provided with the same information.
Please ensure you allow sufficient time to upload your submission to the portal prior to the closing time and date.
This process requests you to submit your tender documents via the electronic tender box process. Please check the tender documents for the required submission process.
Ensure ALL files are uploaded to the portal PRIOR to the time and date above. PLEASE NOTE: The portal closes automatically at this time - file transfers still in progress at the exact closing time WILL NOT be accepted and you will not receive an automatic "successful submission" notice.
It is strongly recommended that if your file(s) are in excess of 10MB in total and/or you are transferring data from within a corporate network that you are able to do so without restriction. We suggest you speak with your network administrator or IT staff and advise them the size of the files you intend to submit to ensure that internal file size restrictions in your network or from your PC DO NOT prevent you from uploading to the servers.
DO NOT leave your submission to the last minute. If you need assistance, please contact us on the number below well before the closing time. As a guide, you should begin your file transfer at a minimum at least 1 hour prior to the closing time.