
First Nations Palliative Care Consultation RFP

Tender ID: 549268

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
7 February 2024
Closing Date:
5 March 2024

Tender Description

Firsthealth is a not-for profit organisation which has been supporting and delivering primary health programs for 30 years. Our purpose is to create connected, dynamic and equitable healthcare through empowered workforce and communities as we move towards our vision of well people, resilient communities.

Firsthealth is federally funded to deliver the Primary Heath Network program across the Murrumbidgee region. Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network (MPHN) is one of 31 local and independent PHNs established nationally to support the primary healthcare sector and improve health outcomes, particularly for people at risk of poorer health outcomes. We deliver the PHN program across approximately 126,000 square kilometres to more than 250,000 people living in our 508 communities.

With the person at the centre of care, we plan and deliver programs to ensure the needs of our individual local communities inform our approaches. We achieve this by working with our community and partners to:

- Coordinate local services and systems to improve coordination of care.

- Commissions primary health services to meet population health needs with a focus on access and equity.

- Support capacity-building to ensure sustainable healthcare workforce through quality improvement, professional development and other innovative measures.

Our work and engagement with our communities and stakeholders is underpinned by our values of work together, be honest, value everyone, aim to inspire and learn from others.

For more information regarding Primary Health Networks, visit the Department of Health website.


The Murrumbidgee PHN region has a higher population of First Nations people than both NSW (3.4%) and Australia (3.2%). In several LGAs in the region, including Lachlan, Narrandera, Carrathool and Murrumbidgee, the proportion is significantly higher.

The MPHN Health Needs Assessment 2022-2025, provides evidence across a range of health and wellbeing indicators that First Nations people are a disadvantaged and priority population, having higher rates of unemployment, smoking, chronic respiratory disease and diabetes than the general population. Life expectancy for First Nations people is 10 years less than the general population.

Considerable discrepancies in health and life expectancy mean that First Nations people experience the death of family and community members far more frequently than the non-Indigenous Australian population.

The Greater Choice for At Home Palliative Care (GCfAHPC) program provides funding for coordinating palliative care through Primary Health Networks (PHNs).

Quality palliative care is care delivered to palliative patients that is consistent with their wishes, is accessible regardless of the location, and is cultural appropriate.

Opportunity on offer

This consultation activity seeks to understand local barriers and enablers impacting First Nations palliative patients and their families when both seeking and accessing palliative care supports in the Murrumbidgee region.

This is an open tender process.

An online industry briefing will be held Tuesday 13 February 2024, 2.00pm to 3.00pm (AEST).


Request for Proposal documents must be obtained after registration (see option below).


Questions relating to this Request for Proposals must be directed via the online forum.


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