Te Reo ki Tua Toi Moana RFP
Tender ID: 549389
Tender Details
Tender Description
Toi Moana Bay of Plenty Regional Council is looking for a supplier to provide Te Reo Māori learning sessions to staff and elected members in three locations: Whakatāne, Tauranga, and Rotorua. The sessions will happen twice a year, each lasting 10 weeks, and they can be either in-person or online.
The goal is to help staff learn the basics of Te Reo Māori, which is important for working with Māori communities and partners. The training will cover pronunciation, language learning strategies, and how to keep improving their language skills for their work.
This initiative aligns with Council’s internal strategies He Korowai Mātauranga and Rau Tangata, Rau Pūkenga, which supports the capability of staff to work with tangata whenua and meet Council’s legal obligations.
Suppliers must be able to deliver sessions both online and in-person, have insurance, and be able to hold sessions at the specified locations.
Council is looking for suppliers who are experienced in successfully delivering Te Reo Māori sessions and can adapt their teaching to different learning styles. The timeline for submitting proposals is outlined, along with contact information for questions or concerns.
Questions and proposals must be submitted via the email address provided.