Tribal Database Upgrade - Request for Registrations of Interest (ROI)
Tender ID: 549521
Tender Details
Tender Description
Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu ("the Buyer") is seeking Registrations for the supply, configuration, and ongoing support and licencing of a customer relationship management ("CRM") system used to store and manage the Ngai Tahu tribal database ("Tribal Database").
Please download the ROI documents for full details. The documents included are:
1) Request for Registrations of Interest main document (including schedule 1); and
2) Schedule 2 Response Form template.
It is important to read all the documents thoroughly and to let us know should you have any questions. Please note that there is a virtual supplier briefing planned for 9am (NZDT UTC+13 hours) on 12/02/2024, please register if you are interested in attending. The Final Date for Questions is 5pm (NZDT UTC+13 hours) on 01/03/2024 and the Deadline for Proposals is 2pm (NZDT UTC+13 hours) on 08/03/2024.
**You will need to register for a free adcentre account in order to download the documents.**