Cocos (Keeling) Islands Airfield Upgrade Project
Tender ID: 549611
Tender Details
Tender Description
Fulton Hogan Construction Pty Ltd (IMC) is inviting companies to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) for the Bulk Logistic Package associated with the Cocos (Keeling) Island (CKI) Airfield Upgrade Project. CKI are an external territory of Australia located in the Indian Ocean Territory (IOT), consisting of 27 coral islands that form two atolls, situated approximately 3000kms northwest of Perth, Western Australia (WA) and 900km from Christmas Island.
The IMC's intention is to have tender documents available and issued from 12 April 2024, and will be seeking to have all tenders received by close of tender being 7 June 2024.
Brief Scope of Services
The IMC has been engaged by the Department of Defence to undertake the R8129 - CKI Airfield Upgrade Project (Project). The Project involves upgrading the CKI Airfield by:
- Runway 15 / 33 strengthening, widening and turning nodes.
- Taxiway A, B, C and D strengthening and widening.
- Apron strengthening and widening.
- Improving Civil Aviation Safety Authority compliance.
- Runway extension.
The Project also involves significant enabling Scope of Work (SOW) to support airfield construction activities, including the delivery of a dedicated Material Offloading Facility (MOF), temporary accommodation camp, extensive temporary construction facilities and associated services.
The Bulk Logistics package is a critical component for the successful delivery of the Project. The scope of works (SOW) includes transport of bulk aggregate material (circa 279,000 tonnes) from Ports in Perth and / or Geraldton Western Australia to CKI. The package includes the successful Subcontractor chartering the specific vessels required to meet the CKI lagoon draft depth, management of the port operations and coordination of loading / unloading of the aggregate materials.