Redlight Speed Solutions and Services
Tender ID: 549917
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) is seeking Offers for the Redlight Speed Solutions and Services Invitation to Offer (ITO) to establish a Standing Offer Arrangement (SOA) (ITO No. TMRICTSOA23539).
TMR is seeking the supply of managed services (that is, Supplier owned assets for ICT and civil works components) for a camera detected offence Solution in a fixed environment (fixed infrastructure installed at signalised intersections) to capture vehicles disobeying traffic signals and/or traveling above the speed limit threshold for enforcement purposes.
The scope of works that the Supplier must provide includes the following requirements:
(a) Schedule TMR1 – Managed Services Requirements: which includes plan, design, supply, deliver, install, commission, operate and maintain:
(i) As a Service (includes Software as a Service, Platform as a Service and Infrastructure as a Service);
(ii) Systems Integration
(iii) Telecommunication Services
(iv) Managed Services
(v) ICT Professional Services
(vi) Hardware as a Service (includes all Hardware Products and Services of the Camera System and all ancillary equipment)
(vii) Civil Works as a Service (as set out in Schedule TMR2 – Civil Works Requirements); and
(b) Schedule TMR2 – Civil Works Requirements (Civil Works as a Service includes all Civil Products and Services): which includes:
(i) plan
(ii) design (Preliminary Design, Detailed Design, Issued for Construction (IFC) Drawings and As-Constructed Drawings), supply and construct: including but not limited to: Civil Products and Services (for example: pole, pole extension, pit, conduit, footing, cabinet, cable (electrical, fibre optic, telecommunications or otherwise) etc.), traffic management, install, testing and acceptance
(iii) commission; and
(iv) maintain.
Some components of the ITO include Confidential Information and Intellectual Property of the State of Queensland. Only genuine Suppliers that can provide the Products and Services will be given access to the full ITO.
To obtain a copy of the full ITO, Suppliers must first complete, sign and return to the Contact Officer outlined in Section 7 of the Part A – ITO Particulars and Conditions of Offer, the Confidentiality Deed issued with this ITO. Once the Supplier has returned a properly executed Confidentiality Deed, TMR will issue the full ITO.
The SOA encompasses a Queensland Information Technology Contracting (QITC) Bespoke Contract.
Should you have any questions or would like to clarify any details, these can be sent through to the ICT Procurement Specialist via